Saturday, October 3, 2009

Choose Life, Your Mother Did

Respect for life -October 4

A gentle man said: “I am a good Catholic. I follow 7 out of 10 commandments.”… 10 commandments are not 10 recommendations; they are 10 requirements to become part of God’s family. Hence, even if we follow 9 commandments and violate one, we fall short of glory.

This Sunday, October 4, is Respect for Life Sunday. We are invited to reflect on the value of life and our obligation to defend and promote life. Respect for life is the FIFTH Commandment. It says, “Thou shall not kill.” This commandment presumes three principles. They are:-
· Life belongs to God
· Right to life is a fundamental right
· We are the care takers of human life.

From this perspective the fifth commandment goes beyond its literal meaning. It is a call to Pro-life. Very often we restrict pro life to the anti-abortion movement. It is more than that. Pro-life means:
· Defend and protect the unborn child
· Create healthy atmosphere for children to grow and mature
· Reach out to the poor who are denied of basic human conditions for a dignified life
· Work for justice and equality for all
· Take care of the elders and homebound
· Avoid hatred, war and violence
· Cultivate moral and human values
· Safeguard the good name of others

Respect for life means all these. It is defending and celebrating life from womb to tomb; conception to natural death. No one can be a Christian without opting for life because Jesus came to the world to bring life in it abundance. Tagore, the great Indian Poet and Nobel Prize winner said: “Every time a new born child is born into the world, God says two things: I love humanity. I trust humanity.” When we accept and appreciate life, therefore, we are responding to God’s love and proving that we are trustworthy.

How do we promote life? There are number of ways. The first and foremost thing in this regard is upholding the sacred institution of marriage. Appropriate sex education, moral and religious formation and disciplined and purpose oriented life are other ways to enhance the appreciation for life.

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