Thursday, September 23, 2010


There is a sin that many of us commit on a daily basis but are not aware of it. Our lack of sensitivity to the needs of others falls into this category. The attitude of indifference to others or the lack of attentiveness to the world around us often makes the issues facing others invisible to us. Our failure in responding to this can lead us to sin of omission. The parable of the Rich man and Lazarus talks about this truth of our life.

The sin of the rich man in this parable (Lk 16:19-31) is not that he violated the Ten Commandments but his insensitivity to the needs of Lazarus. The rich man’s world was too narrow that he could not see anyone but himself. He was in a position to help Lazarus, however, he chose not to. Probably he did not see anything wrong in missing the opportunity to serve. Legally he did not do anything wrong. However, he was morally wrong. He did not share his blessing to lift his brother up. Jesus criticized him not for what he did but for what he did not do. He committed sin of omission.

For many faithful Catholics, sin of commission is their main concern. They take all efforts not to break any of the Ten Commandments and the Precepts of the Church. They feel great about that. The sad part of their faith is that they do not see the core of Christian faith. It is all about helping the helpless and giving them hope by sharing our blessings. It is not what sin you avoided but what good you did will be the criterion that Jesus is going to use on the Day of Judgment.

We are all rich, rich in different ways! We are all in a position to support one another.

Who is Lazarus in your life? Who is looking up to you for a hand of support?

There are ‘Lazaruses’ out there seeking for your immediate support. Probably they themselves are responsible for their crises. They may not be always seeking for financial aid. Their needs may vary. The question is can you do something for them out of humanitarian concern. Can you raise Lazarus from the dead? Your timely intervention can make a difference in their lives.

There are ‘Lazaruses’ out there because of your own faults. You might have created ‘Lazaurses’ through your selfish ways of functioning. When you invade into somebody’s rightful space or manipulate others for your own advantage, you are adding to the number of ‘Lazaruses’. This is the time to open your eyes, see the wounds around and heal them.

The way to heaven passes thorough our neighbors house. There is no detour. The person who sits next to you is your sacrament of salvation.
Mother Theresa has this story to share: One day she visited a Hindu family with rice because they had nothing to eat for some time। As soon as she gave the rice to the family, the mother of the family divided it into two and then she went out. When the woman came back, Mother Theresa asked her: “Where did you go and what did you do?” “They are hungry too” the woman replied. “Who are they?” Mother Theresa asked. “A Muslim family next door”, she said. When this woman knew they were hungry, she felt their hunger and therefore she had the courage to share with them.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Father

    Do you remember me I was under your training in minor seminary in Kotdwar could you send me your face book ID It will be my privilege to have you as my friend my face book id is shibu.augustian my email is
