Friday, February 17, 2012

7 Sunday in Ordinary Time

One evening Little Tony started crying। “What is wrong with you?” His Mom was curious. “I want a bell”, Tony replied.” It is evening. Go to sleep. I will get it for you tomorrow morning”, she tried to comfort him. Tony was stubborn. He cried even louder. Finally, he fell asleep. He woke early in the morning and started crying again: I need a bell. His mom went to the store and got one for Tony. Ringing the bell, Tony started crying even louder…” What is wrong with you now?” Tony’s mom asked. “I want to ring it yesterday”, Tony replied…! Can he ring it yesterday?

Many people do not know how to live in the present. They still live in the past. Our obsession with the past paralyzes us, arrest our growth and make us unable to move…

When they brought the paralytic to Jesus, Jesus said to him: Your sins are forgiven. He did not say right away ‘rise and walk’. Sin is always related to a past event.

God wants to make our life new. How do we make our life new? There is one condition! We need to let our past go and focus on the future possibilities. Listen to what God says: Remember not the things of the past. I am doing something new. God is willing to bypass our past. Am I willing to let my past go?

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