Fist Sunday of Lent, February 21
Tiger Wood, “I thought I can use whatever I have, to get whatever I want. Today, I realized that this is a wrong philosophy. I messed up my life. I want to return to my religion”.
Lent is a time for purification and clarification
The Temptation Story of Jesus helps us to identify our own temptatations and they also teach us the ways to overcome them। For instance: Jesus was hungry. He was tempted to change stone into food. It is important to eat when we are hungry. However, changing a stone into food is not a normal way of earning our bread. The Word of God helped Jesus to realize it. Means do not justify the goal.
We all experience different kinds of hunger: hunger for food, hunger for pleasure, hunger for job, hunger for fame, hunger for name….They are real. We need to handle them properly. How do we satisfy our hunger? Where do we turn to fulfill them? Similarly, gifts and talents are given to us for the good of the community. Jesus used his ability to create food when he saw the hungry crowd.
Jesus turned to the Scripture for answers……Scripture is our reference point. “It is not how much we achieve but how much we overcome that matters…”
Fist Sunday of Lent, February 21
Tiger Wood, “I thought I can use whatever I have, to get whatever I want. Today, I realized that this is a wrong philosophy. I messed up my life. I want to return to my religion”.
Lent is a time for purification and clarification
The Temptation Story of Jesus helps us to identify our own temptatations and they also teach us the ways to overcome them। For instance: Jesus was hungry. He was tempted to change stone into food. It is important to eat when we are hungry. However, changing a stone into food is not a normal way of earning our bread. The Word of God helped Jesus to realize it. Means do not justify the goal.
We all experience different kinds of hunger: hunger for food, hunger for pleasure, hunger for job, hunger for fame, hunger for name….They are real. We need to handle them properly. How do we satisfy our hunger? Where do we turn to fulfill them? Similarly, gifts and talents are given to us for the good of the community. Jesus used his ability to create food when he saw the hungry crowd.
Jesus turned to the Scripture for answers……Scripture is our reference point. “It is not how much we achieve but how much we overcome that matters…”
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