This Lady went to the post office to mail a letter to Canada। There was a long line and she was the last in the line. The line was moving slowly. She lost her patience. She cut the line and rushes to the counter and said to the Postmaster, “Do you know who I am? If you know, you would have called me right away and helped me.” The Postmaster took the microphone and made this announcement: “Ladies and Gentleman! There is a woman here. She does not know who she is! Please help her!” Awareness of our identity is the basic thing that we all need to have. As the disciples of Jesus what is our identity?
Jesus describes our identity in the following way: You are the light of the world and the salt of the earth। We become the disciples of Jesus when we radiate the light of Jesus in and through our life.
Enlightening the world is the primary biblical mission। God began the creation by ordering: Let there be light. God chose Israel to be a light to the nations. In the incarnation, Jesus became the light. Jesus gave the same mission to his disciples: “Be a light”.
We become a light to others when we become a source of hope to them। This happens through different ways. First, as Isaiah says, by alleviating the suffering of the people. Secondly, by bringing out what is best in each other. In fact, these are the two important functions of salt. Salt brings out what is best in the ingredients of the food and gives it flavor. Salt heals the wounds.
How much interest do we take to bring forth what is best in each other? If we can correct a little, overlook much and see the good in others, then there is healing, joy and celebration. We become a light of the world and salt of the earth.
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