Friday, April 20, 2012


Today is the third Sunday of Easter. During this season, our readings focus on two things: the resurrection of Jesus, and its impact on his disciples.

The disciples were great admirers of Jesus. Admiration of a person does not necessarily involve commitment to that person. For instance, we admire Pope Benedict.  However, I do not think that we are going to die for him. The disciples admired Jesus and his teachings but were not willing to die for him. This was their story until the death of Jesus. However, the resurrection brought about a sea change in their life. They were even ready to die for Jesus. They became witnesses of Jesus:- a transformation from admirer to witness.

We are called to be witnesses of Jesus. To witness means to represent. To witness means to make a full commitment. It is more than going to Church on Sundays…It is more than doing some ministries….It is all about conforming to the person of Jesus. It is all about rising to a new life with Jesus.

How do we witness? An important place of witness is one’s own family.  We often forget about this. Witnessing to Jesus must begin by teaching our children and grandchildren about our faith. Our children are very much confused these days. They know very little about our catholic faith even though they are catholic by baptism. Teach them the core of faith, teach them the unique feature of the Catholic Church, and instill in them a love for the Church….Making our home a domestic Church is the core of witnessing. The rest will follow… We are commissioned to witness. Omission of witnessing is a sin.

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